
its-all-aboutWelcome to our website!  At San Diego Data Queen, we cater to individuals and small businesses,  building spreadsheets from raw data and creating visually appealing pies, charts, and graphs.  We also analyze data, fix broken spreadsheets, and teach Excel.

Our What is a Data Queen? and Peanuts Cookie Box Sales pages explain our Four Step Process in detail, using a fictitious example of the kids from the Peanuts® gang.

The foundation of our business is the spreadsheet, an interactive electronic program used to display, manipulate, and store data.  Back in the Pleistocene age, spreadsheets were created with pencils and paper.  Today, Microsoft Excel is the most widely used spreadsheet program.  Using formulas, Excel automatically adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides – and does a lot of other really cool things.

Spreadsheets simplify your life and save a lot of time, and time, after all, is money. 



Spreadsheets are useful to both individuals and businesses:


An example of something we all use that could be transformed into a spreadsheet is the simple shopping list:  items you want to buy are inputted only once, the list is used over and over, and additional items can be added at any time.  Excel will sort the list.  You don’t even have to print it out;  you can view it on your smartphone.


Spreadsheets dramatically improve accuracy.  If formulas are inputted correctly, Excel will always add, subtract, multiply, and divide accurately.  SDDQ’s spreadsheets are built with a fail-safe mechanism to ensure that vertical and horizontal totals of the same data are always equal.

We provide written instructions to make sure you know how to use and maintain your spreadsheet, and we promptly answer follow-up questions.

SDDQ, however, goes much further than just building spreadsheets.  We think strategically, taking a holistic view of your business or project and frequently suggest enhancements and modifications.


We transform data from your spreadsheets into Excel-created graphs, charts, and pies, which look stunning in PowerPoint presentations.  You’ll find several examples on our What Is A Data Queen? page.

We offer thorough written analyses of your data, complete with recommendations, as an option.  We’ve posted a complete fictional analysis on our Peanuts Cookie Box Sales page.


We also teach Excel – either for complete novices or for strengthening existing skills.


Our Testimonials page gives additional feedback from our happy customers and will give you a better understanding of the breadth of what we do.  Be sure to also check out Meet Our Team to find out more about us and Still Have Questions? to learn more.


San Diego Data Queen’s mission is to deliver a customized, user-friendly, and stress-free data experience.  We help clients organize, manipulate, display, fix, summarize, and analyze data.SQUARE CONTACT US


Website created by SDDQ


2 thoughts on “home

  1. Jacqueline says:

    Great, Marie-Claire, impressive with the latin and humourous and very approachable with the peanuts characters, but still, although I understand what a spreadsheet is, it’s more like Chinese to me. Congratulations, you must have lots of people very grateful to you. How did you think of that?


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